It has been a while since this blog got updated.
I wonder if anyone is still reading this. Well, Elf Tarary has been
busy. There has been a lot of changes in her life. She has moved from
her hometown and is now living in the urban jungle. So far, she has
getting the hang of things in this jungle. Well, she must. She’s an elf
isn’t she? I’ve read somewhere that elves have highly adaptive powers
added to their natural charm and charisma . Do you agree with me? If
there are MUtizens reading this blog.
Anyway, since moving to the urban jungle Elf Tarary hasn’t had much chance of playing. No more unlimited internet connection. The nearest Internet hub is at the huge tower just across the bridge. It’s near enough alright but, using their connection costs so much zen! But during this weekend, Elf Tarary indulged herself. She spent over three hours battling evil foes at Tarkan 2, Valley of Loren, and at Devil Square. She was not able to level up, but she’s getting there. At the Devil Square she ranked 4th which made it really enjoyable. Elf Tarary recaptured the enjoyment and “magic” of being in that world again. It really has been a while.