
El_tararyF’s Set Is Now +7

Last weekend el_tararyF was bugged. She was a killer the whole weekend. How did it happen? We were in a party near the start of K1 and then there was a killer blade knight that came near us. The others in the party already told him to go away but he just kept coming back. And too bad el_tararyF was the victim of the bug. Tarary told me that maybe by Monday the bug would be gone, but sad luck it was not, that is why I had to spend 20 epts just to have the status reset. Tarary did the resetting for me.

Finally, el_tararyF can warp and buy items again. Tarary was kinda late coming in, and I thought he was not going to come so I just went hunting in LT7. I was already on our favorite spot but then another character came saying it was his spot. So, I just went to Noria and checked on my vault. Then, it came to me why not try upgrading my items? Tarary did the ups for me last Friday that is why my set was already +6.

I had second thoughts doing the ups myself because Tarary already made me try two times and both times were always failed T_T. But I wanted to try again, anyway, I still had Jewel of Bless in case I failed. Holding my breath, I dropped the Jewel of Soul on the item I was about to upgrade…the boots first…SUCCESS! Then the armor. SUCCESS again!!! Wheww, my set is finally +7, which means it is shinier and stronger than before.

When Tarary came online I showed it to him. He was happy I was able to succeed with the ups. We still have to buy helm and gloves with the same specs as the other items on my set ^_^.


Events on Feb 14

Yesterday was a big day for MU couples, why? Because it was Valentines Day. And it was a hugely awaited moment of the winners in the pickup line contest. Tarary told me that they were able to witness the solo wedding of the winner in the pickup line contest. He told me the names of the winners, but sadly I forgot. The wedding took place in the Devias Church, at Server 2. Too bad I was not able to witness the wedding. The blasted Internet connection at home failed again.

When I was finally able to connect, I joined Tarary and the other guys from the Guild in K1. Then we went to Icarus for feather hunt. Finally, a guildmate told Tarary that someone was interested in buying the Loch of Feather that he was able to get last Monday night. The deal took place and Tarary got 21 Jewels of Bless for it. He upgraded my Guardian Set with the Bless. My armor, pants, boots and gloves are now +6. To upgrade the set to +7 we have to get lots of Jewel of Soul.

So, we went hunting for hearts in LT7 after the ups. The jewel drops from the hearts were few. I stayed a while after Tarary went offline. I went to server 9 on the same spot and there I was able to get 2 Jewels of Soul and 1 Jewel of Chaos. A nice hunt ^_^


Hearts and Chocs for Valentines

Tarary and I played last Friday night. It was a great play because there was already the Heart of Love…the much-awaited drops for February. Aside from the Heart of Love there was also the Chocolate Box. I found out from Tarary that all these goodies can only be found on certain maps; yup it’s not available throughout MU land. For exciting Hearts of Love and Chocolate Boxes you’ll have to hunt in all of the Lost Tower Maps as well as in Devias.

Tarary and I had a great spot in LT7 that is why we had excellent drops from the Hearts. We obtained lots of Chaos jewels from the Hearts, maybe 10 of them and then 2 Jewels of Bless ^_^. It was really great, I didn’t want to leave because I’m sure there will still be lots of jewels ^_^.


The Dog in el_TararyF!

Hi again!!! Hope all you had a god night's sleep.

So, here I am making the continuation about the personalities behind the MU characters Tarary and el_tararyF. Last night I gave something about Tarary. Today will be about el_TararyF. el-TararyF was born in the Year of the Dog. You just have to guess which year ^_^

Year of the Dog
1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

People born in the Year of the Dog possess the best traits of human nature. They have a deep sense of loyalty, are honest, and inspire other people¡¦s confidence because they know how to keep secrets. But Dog People are somewhat selfish, terribly stubborn, and eccentric. They care little for wealth, yet somehow always seem to have money. They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. Dog people make good leaders.

So, here it is. Some of the characteristics are really apt, while others are not.


Tarary Under the Chinese Sign

In case you are wondering what are the kind of personalities lie behind the character Tarary and El_tararyF. I will give you some clues. Since it is the Chinese New Year I will give some info about our Chinese Signs.

According to my research Tarary was born in the Year of the Rooster...here's something that tells about the character of one born under this sign.

The Year Of The Rooster
1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

People born in the Year of the Rooster are deep thinkers, capable, and talented. They like to be busy and are devoted beyond their capabilities and are deeply disappointed if they fail. People born in the Rooster Year are often a bit eccentric, and often have rather difficult relationship with others. They always think they are right and usually are! They frequently are loners and though they give the outward impression of being adventurous, they are timid. Rooster people¡¦s emotions like their fortunes, swing very high to very low. They can be selfish and too outspoken, but are always interesting and can be extremely brave.

So, these tells you something about tarary...^_^

el_tarary's sign will follow tomorrow...


Tarary's Back to Normal

Yep, Tarary is back to normal, no more pre-valentines hue for this MU character. he was able to get back to normal only within 24 hours!!! Why the exclamtion point? Well i juts think it's unfair of MU because when I was in the killer status it took more than 24hours. I had to load 20 epoints to have my status reset to commoner. Grrr...

But anyway, I'm glad we can now again roam around the continent to our heart;s content. ^_^


tarary in PK Splendor! ^_^

Guess who's the latest victim of PK? well, it's no other than tarary! He told me that last night he PK'd another player while they were in the Crywolf fortress... See his wings are all so fiery red. Red wings means killer status. Well...looks like it's gonna be an advanced valentines ^_^

Here are some pics of tarary: