
Events on Feb 14

Yesterday was a big day for MU couples, why? Because it was Valentines Day. And it was a hugely awaited moment of the winners in the pickup line contest. Tarary told me that they were able to witness the solo wedding of the winner in the pickup line contest. He told me the names of the winners, but sadly I forgot. The wedding took place in the Devias Church, at Server 2. Too bad I was not able to witness the wedding. The blasted Internet connection at home failed again.

When I was finally able to connect, I joined Tarary and the other guys from the Guild in K1. Then we went to Icarus for feather hunt. Finally, a guildmate told Tarary that someone was interested in buying the Loch of Feather that he was able to get last Monday night. The deal took place and Tarary got 21 Jewels of Bless for it. He upgraded my Guardian Set with the Bless. My armor, pants, boots and gloves are now +6. To upgrade the set to +7 we have to get lots of Jewel of Soul.

So, we went hunting for hearts in LT7 after the ups. The jewel drops from the hearts were few. I stayed a while after Tarary went offline. I went to server 9 on the same spot and there I was able to get 2 Jewels of Soul and 1 Jewel of Chaos. A nice hunt ^_^