
El_tararyF’s Set Is Now +7

Last weekend el_tararyF was bugged. She was a killer the whole weekend. How did it happen? We were in a party near the start of K1 and then there was a killer blade knight that came near us. The others in the party already told him to go away but he just kept coming back. And too bad el_tararyF was the victim of the bug. Tarary told me that maybe by Monday the bug would be gone, but sad luck it was not, that is why I had to spend 20 epts just to have the status reset. Tarary did the resetting for me.

Finally, el_tararyF can warp and buy items again. Tarary was kinda late coming in, and I thought he was not going to come so I just went hunting in LT7. I was already on our favorite spot but then another character came saying it was his spot. So, I just went to Noria and checked on my vault. Then, it came to me why not try upgrading my items? Tarary did the ups for me last Friday that is why my set was already +6.

I had second thoughts doing the ups myself because Tarary already made me try two times and both times were always failed T_T. But I wanted to try again, anyway, I still had Jewel of Bless in case I failed. Holding my breath, I dropped the Jewel of Soul on the item I was about to upgrade…the boots first…SUCCESS! Then the armor. SUCCESS again!!! Wheww, my set is finally +7, which means it is shinier and stronger than before.

When Tarary came online I showed it to him. He was happy I was able to succeed with the ups. We still have to buy helm and gloves with the same specs as the other items on my set ^_^.